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Endodontic Decision Tree: Part I

Many factors can influence the provider on when root canal treatment is needed or when we should pull back the reins and monitor a tooth.

An endodontic decision tree can help you understand in broad strokes the basic signs and symptoms utilized to determine if root canal treatment is necessary.

(Click HERE for full size image)

This guide is by no means comprehensive, but should serve as a flowchart for the practitioner and help aid in reaching a diagnosis. Furthermore, it may assist in educating the patient about possible treatment options.

We have all been in similar situations where a patient has been taking pain medication prior to their appointment, and we cannot duplicate their symptoms with our diagnostic exam. Perhaps the pain is so intense, the patient is experiencing pain referral to a non-odontogenic location. Locating the source of the pain can be puzzling!

Part I of this series describes the following pulpal diagnosis: necrotic pulp, irreversible pulpitis, and reversible pulpitis.

We encourage you to take a step back, gather all the information from the patient’s history. Take a deep breath and don’t hesitate to monitor a tooth. The patient will be grateful when you are confident on the diagnosis.

Thank you –

Case by Anne E. Wiseman, D.D.S., M.S.D.

Thanks for visiting Tri City and Fallbrook MicroEndodontics, serving the Greater San Diego, CA area.
